Immigrating with a Pet

7 tips: Immigrating with a dog

If you are one of those people who dream of the sunny south or a life in an exotic country and love your dog, you must know a few things about immigrating with a dog before you leave the country !

With all the beautiful ideas and anticipation, dog lovers quickly forget one or the other important detail. (These tips also include important information about migrating with other pets.)

1. Climatic conditions in the destination country
If the dog is to emigrate with you, you must consider whether the local conditions are also a pleasure for your four-legged friend. Of course, this applies to all pets that are supposed to go on the trip.

2. Beware of dog diseases!
Animals abroad sometimes have to struggle not only with the weather differences, but also with all sorts of diseases that do not exist here.

Parasites such as sand flies, skin worms, heartworms and lungworms as well as pathogens of the diseases leishmaniasis, babesiosis and others are already lurking in southern Europe . In even more exotic countries and in the tropics, parasites, bacteria and germs are increasing. Vaccinations and spot-on preparations offer only partial protection.

3. Danger from other animals
In addition to germs and parasites, other dangers for dogs are lurking in many countries: poisonous snakes , large spiders, poisonous frogs or toads, some reptiles or other reptiles and insects, some predators, stray and aggressive dogs.

4. Are dogs welcome in the host country?
Dogs are recognized pets in Europe. This is the case almost everywhere in the western world. However, there are also cultures, such as in the Islamic world, where dogs have a very low status. Dogs are not permitted to be imported to the Maldives Islands. However, others pets like cats, birds and other specific pets are allowed. Some Pets-friendly countries in the world are : Switzerland, Australia, France, UK, Norway, Netherlands, Canada, Germany, Italy, Poland, Luxembourg, Slovenia and Czech Republic

5. Under what conditions can the dog enter the country?
Within the EU, the entry requirements for dogs are uniformly regulated. You need the pet passport and, depending on the country, certain vaccinations . Again, the more exotic the destination country, the stranger or more difficult the entry requirements for the dog can be. Be sure to check what vaccinations are required and whether a quarantine period is required for dogs. Also, do not forget to check under what conditions the dog can be returned from the destination country to your home country.

6. Flying with a dog
Many countries can only be reached by plane. Flying with a dog has long been commonplace. However, there are a few pitfalls here that you should be aware of.

Not all airlines transport dogs on all routes. Always inquire in good time before the immigration date. Stock up on a flight box and secure dog harness for travel . Larger dogs must always fly in the luggage compartment, while smaller ones are also allowed in the dog box in the cabin. In addition to vaccinations and documents for the destination country, airlines require a certificate of fitness to fly from a veterinarian and sometimes liability insurance .

7. Immigrate by car
If your destination country can be reached by car and within the EU, many things are easier . Border crossings are open in most countries and animals can travel freely with the pet passport.

For one-off or occasional dog transport in the car, Jesse Reimann from recommends a foldable dog box, which offers great comfort for the dog, especially in summer. On long car journeys, please remember to take sufficient breaks with a walk, water and the usual food for the dog.

When immigrating with a dog and pets, there are a few things to consider that adventurous owners tend to overlook when they first think about it. Well thought out, planned and executed, immigration with a dog can be a complete success .

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