Easiest countries to Immigrate
Immigrate Inexpensively And Easily

For many, a possible emigration is a question of personal financial circumstances. Sometimes there are also many or time-consuming bureaucratic obstacles to overcome. For some, immigration to certain countries is not possible at all. In other countries, however, it is only possible for pensioners with a good pension.
Therefore, all those countries and islands are listed below, in which one can immigrate quite cheaply and easily mainly due to the straightforward immigration programs and many visa opportunities. The countries are arranged alphabetically. Especially in the countries of the European Union (EU) you can immigrate quite easily and inexpensively. If you click on a country, you will get detailed immigration information, travel information, contacts, etc. about the respective country and everything you need to know about immigration.
- Australia
- Azores (EU, to Portugal)
- Balearic Islands (EU, part of Spain)
- Belgium (EU)
- Bulgaria (EU)
- Canada
- Denmark (EU)
- Estonia (EU)
- Finland (EU)
- France (EU)
- French Guiana (EU, part of France)
- Georgia
- Germany
- Greece (EU)
- Great Britain
- Guadeloupe (EU, part of France)
- Ireland (EU)
- Iceland
- Italy (EU)
- Canary Islands (EU, part of Spain)
- Croatia (EU)
- Latvia (EU)
- Lithuania (EU)
- Luxembourg (EU)
- Madeira (EU, Portugal)
- Malta (EU)
- Martinique (EU, to France)
- Montenegro
- Netherlands
- New Zealand
- Norway
- Austria (EU)
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Poland (EU)
- Portugal (EU)
- Romania (EU)
- Saint-Martin (French part is EU)
- Sweden (EU)
- Switzerland
- Slovakia (EU)
- Slovenia (EU)
- Spain (EU)
- Thailand
- Czech Republic
- Hungary (EU)
- Cyprus (EU)