Immigration to Spain

Living and Working in Spain

Kingdom of Spain, commonly known as Spain is a county in Southwestern Europe with seventeen autonomous regions in the Atlantic Ocean and across the Mediterranean Sea with beautiful, modern and ancient architecture, diverse geography and different cultures. Spain is surrounded by the Gibraltar in the south, to the south and east it has Mediterranean Sea, to the north France, Andorra and the Bay of Biscay and in the west it has Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean. Madrid is the capital of Spain and is the largest city in this country with the Royal Palace and Museum. Other major urban areas are Palma de Mallorca, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Barcelona, Valencia, Seville, Zaragoza, Malaga, Bilbao, and Murcia. Segovia has a castle from medieval period named Alcazar and has an intact Roman aqueduct. Spain is the sixth most populous country in Europe.

Spain is a developed and high income country with advanced economy. Spanish art, music, literature and cuisines are influential worldwide, especially in America and Western Europe. It has the world’s fourteenth largest by nominal GDP and has one of the longest life expectancies in the world. It is on the highest countries provide good quality healthcare system with its healthcare quality considered to be the most efficient in the whole world. Spain comes in the first position when it comes to organ donation and organ transplants. Spain is member of many major organizations like, United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), and the North Atlantic Territory (NATO), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and World Trade Organization (WTO). Spain has fourth largest number of heritage sites in the world, due to the reflection of its large cultural wealth. Spain is the popular tourist destination and second most visited country in the world, as a result it provides work for many expats as well as locals. 

Traveling information

Flag of Spain
Flag of Spain

Travelling to Spain is possible by sea or by land depending on the place you are travelling from. In Spain there are several means of transport you can travel with like public buses, trains, trams and commercial flights. Public transport is operated locally, as a result bus fares vary from city to city.

While entering to Spain, the travelers traveling from countries of EU and Schengen Area are not required to show the negative test report or COVID -19 vaccination certificates or the Spain Travel Health Form. There are no restrictions on the travelers traveling from Ireland and they do not have to show the certificate of vaccination for the pandemic.

While entering to Spain, travelers traveling from outside the EU or Schengen Area, Great Britain and Northern Ireland, will require presenting a valid EU Digital COVID Certificate (EUDCC), or similar document. If not, they must complete the Spain Travel Health (SpTH) Health Control Form, containing the details of their vaccination, recovery or diagnostic test certificate.

Always carry a copy of your passport and visa. Best way to travel here is by air. 

Requirements after arrival in Spain by Public Health Department

  • Wear a mask while in public
  • Use alcohol containing sanitizer
  • If become COVID positive, isolate in line with local health requirements
  • Contact your accommodation provider to arrange to extend your stay 

For more travel advice on Spain, please visit: and

How to immigrate to Spain

Spain is one of the most visited countries for tourists and workers. It has attracted  many expats to start the legal process of getting the permission to reside in spain. The process of getting visa and residence permit can be a bit tricky. There are many visa options to choose according to your need and apply for: 

  • Student Visa to study for an extended period.
  • Golden Visa or Property visa to get residency if you buy a property over 500,000€.
  • Wealth Visa is for the people who want to immigrate to Spain and has sufficient funds to live here without working.
  • Skilled Worker Visa to get hired by a company.
  • Corporate Visa is to relocate employee from the foreign office to the Spain office.
  • Investor Visa is for a person who wants to immigrate via investment in a business. 

 General procedure is mentioned below: 

  • Submit the visa application at the Spanish Embassy in your native country.
  • After approval Embassy will call you to pick up your visa.
  • Travel to Spain with your visa within three months.
  • Getting police stamp at the airport is a must.
  • Within a month you must apply for residence permit, after arrival in Spain.
  • Submit your NIE Number while applying for residence permit.
  • Renew your permit religiously. Residency can be renewed indefinitely.

For more information on immigration policy in Spain, please visit: and 


Citizens of Spain are called Spanish or Spaniards, ethnic groups from Latin and North America, Latin Europe, Africa or Asia. People are friendly to expats. Spaniards respect all the existing cultural pluralism and is very important for them.  Spain is a country of diversity, home to different kinds of people. In many regions there are regional identities like Aragon, Asturias, Andalusia, the Canary Islands Leon. While others from Catalonia, Basque Country or Galicia’s people have stronger national sentiments. Spanish people are tolerant, traditional, and happy people. They have different sides of their personality like they are friendly and have strong values. There are many different varieties of customs, music, food, dress and art in their culture. They have a sense of community.  Delicacies like stuffed pepper, Tortillas Espanola, Spanish Omelette made with eggs and potatoes, gazpacho, etc., and drinks like Horchata and Orgeat are popular here.  There are many Spanish who have set a benchmark to remember like Actress Penelope Cruz, Actor Antonio Banderas, Famous Painter Diego Velazquez, Motorsports Racing Driver Fernando Alonso Diaz, etc.

Job offers in spain

At first, while finding a job in Spain may seem difficult,  since there are very few jobs available.  Getting a job in Spain is will be easier if you know Spanish or English. It is true that there are limited jobs for the people who can only speak English, but there are numerous jobs  for expats with special skills.  Many companies are in continuous search of deserving candidates,  therefore a good search is required.  Executive and Change Manager jobs are offered high salary.  There are plenty of job opportunities in the IT sector, Automotive Sector, Chemical Industries, Pharmaceuticals Companies, Tourism, Food and Beverage Companies. Major global companies in Spain are Finance, Telecommunications, Energy, Construction, Clothing Retail and Aviation Industry. Citizens from EU and EFTA countries like Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland can get a job and work freely without a work permit. Every other person outside the EU or EFTA needs a residence visa and a valid Spanish Work Permit.

Steps to get a Job in Spain: 

  • Learn Spanish Language
  • Create a perfect CV
  • Search online and apply for jobs on various job portals
  • Keep documents prepared
  • Get the Work Permit
  • Prepare for job interviews
  • Apply to small companies if needed
  • Learn in-demand skills
  • Sign a contract offered by Company.
  • Submit your documents in order to get a job.

 For more information on jobs in Spain, please visit:

Unemployment rate

The unemployment rate in the Spain was 13.33% in the last three months of the year 2021. This rate has gone to 13.65% in the first three month of the year 2022. The economic recovery of this country has gone down amid stronger headwinds from soaring energy and raw material cost and due to the Russia–Ukraine War. Spain is one of the countries which have the highest jobless rates in the European Union. Spain has a double labor market system, where the workers do agree on temporary contracts that are full with downturns and economic uncertainty. Labor market free from this type of system will make it easier for employers to hire and other workers would reduce the distance between temporary and permanent work. Unemployment rate is the share of labor force that is without work but available for and seeking employment. These days the unemployment is a growing problem in Spain due to the lack of creating opportunities which will give needy people, plenty of jobs.

For more information please visit:

Economy of Spain

The Spanish economy is a highly developed social market economy. It’s the fifteenth largest nominal GDP and the fifth largest in the Europe. According to one report, Spain has the tenth highest quality of life. Some main areas that support economic growth are the medical technology, chemical industry, automotive industry, shipbuilding industry, tourism and the textile Industry. Spain is among the leading countries working towards renewable energies like producing and exporting. Economy is also supported by  agribusiness including pork, wine and olives production. Spain produces and exports citrus fruits, peaches, apricots and strawberries. Food distribution and mining plays a big role, helping the economy to grow and sustain. Industry sector contributes additional quarter, which includes services like mining, construction and manufacturing. The sectors that recorded the highest growth are the tourism, telecoms and textile sectors.

For more information on Spain’s economy,  please visit:

Renting and buying of real estates for foreigners


Renting a property is good way to know the surrounding and affordable in Spain. Plenty of property for rent is available in this country. There are no restrictions on expats to rent or buy a property in Spain. Finding the accommodation according to your taste and need requires effort and planning. There are several properties you will find online, news paper ads or through the word of mouth. Finding a property through an estate agent means you have to pay them for their service. It is suggested to check the property in real before renting.

The amount of rent may vary from city to city as it depends on the neighborhood, market, size of the property, main city. Prices in the major cities are comparatively higher than the rural areas. Properties in Spain are typically advertised with a month rent and space in square meter. It is mentioned that the property is furnished or unfurnished on the ads. Unfurnished spaces can be like no fridge, bed or sitting arrangement like other countries in North America and Europe.


• Proof of employment
• Tax Identification Number (TIN)
• Passport or ID proof
• Personal references


Property prices in Spain are increasing steadily and official figures show the average prices grew during the second quarter of the year. Buying a property in this nation, including a land, condo or houses are permitted by the government for the expats. Owning a place, gives a sense of responsibility and happiness. While buying a property in Spain, factors to be taken care of are, property scams, high capital gains tax and fluctuations in the market.

The most expensive cities are Barcelona, Madrid and San Sebastian. Spain is a welcoming country for foreign buyers which limit the possibilities for common home buying scams. The rules for expats are straightforward. Before purchasing you need to get the Financial Number. You will get the number from police station after showing your passport. This is a one day process for locals or WU citizens but could take a month for others. Spain offers a Golden Visa program for foreign property owners. In this scheme, if you invest more than £500,000 in Spanish properties, you will get a residency visa.


• Passport and recent photograph
• Property transfer tax, Notary cost
• Title deed tax, land registration fee, Legal fee
• Mortgage Papers

For more information please visit:


The climate in Spain has variations. Some parts have cloudy wet summer while the other part is heats up near the Sahara desert. Climate here is not the same all year round. One of the three main climatic zones in Spain covers about one third of it.

Maritime Zone: located in the north and covers Basque country, Cantabria, Asturias and Galicia.
Continental Zone: it covers the huge central plateau, Meseta. It also covers Madrid, as it is in the centre.
Mediterranean Zone: the entire southern and eastern border lies in this zone until the border of France and Andorra and the Balaeric Islands.

Canary Islands: The Canary Island is out of Spain’s three climatic zones, because they are far away from the mainland. These islands have subtropical climate.

Spring:  Starts from the March months, ends in the month of June.
Summer: Summer starts from the month of June, ends in the month of September.
Autumn: Autumn starts from the month of September and ends till the month of December.
Winter:  Winter season starts from the month of December and ends in March.

For more information on the climate of Sspain, please visit:


Castilian Spanish is the official language of Spain.  Spain is multilingual but Spanish is the official language since the year 1931. Spanish language is the world’s fourth most spoken language after English, Mandarin Chinese and HindiUrdu. Beside Spanish, other languages spoken in Spain are Catalan, Galician and Portuguese, Basque, Tamazight, Aragonese, Aranese, Ceutan Arabic, (Darija), Romani Calo and Sign language. Spanish is spoken by approx 75% of the population, Catalan by 17%, Galacian by 7% and Basque by 2% of the Spanish citizens. Spanish has a major place as it is taught all over the world and serves as Spain’s primary language of commerce, economics, culture, science and medicine. It is also used in educational institutions and government offices. Spanish is also spoken by many Moroccans, especially in the southern and the northern regions of Morocco, due to its historic relations and business interactions with Spain. Some of the most spoken foreign languages used by the immigrants in Spain are Moroccan Arabic, Romanian and English.


In Spain, you can rent a car with a driver. Traffic runs on the right side of the road and the driver sits on the left side while driving. Seat belt for driver as well as passenger is mandatory. The use of mobile is prohibited while driving a car, however hands-free system can be used. Highway junctions lead to a roundabout; they are also used as intersections. There are clear signs to get the correct lane,  so be alert to observe the signs. While driving give way to the traffic on the left and when to leave roundabouts,  you need to indicate to let others know where you want to go. Speed limits are 90 km/h on the single carriage roads, 100 km/h on the roads which have more than one lane in each direction and dual carriageways, 120 km/h on motorways/highways. Cities have standard 50 km/h limit. Over speeding can cause fine, which is captured by CCTC surveillance.  

Documents needed as a foreigner:

• Passport or Identity proof
• Vehicle’s registration papers
• Insurance copy
• Valid Driver’s license
• Driver’s age should be of 18 years or above

For more information on traffic in Spain, visit:


The Euro (€) is the official currency of Spain since the year 2002.  Before Euro (€), Spanish peseta was the official currency from 1869 to 2002. Euro is the official currency of 19 member states of European Union. This group of states is known as the euro zone or euro area.  Euro is  issued by the European Central Bank. A Euro note comes in denominations of €5, €10, €20, €50, €100, €200, €500, etc and coins in €1, €2, 1c, 2c, 5c, 10c, 20c, and 50c cents. Rarely used coins and notes are 1c, 2c, €200, €500.

Payment Transaction

Spaniards accept cash, cards or online payment. Cash is the easiest and oldest payment method which is used by more than 90% population in Spain. More than 85% population use at least one debit card and the ATMs, which is the highest number in the whole European continent. All the cards used by Spaniards are 3D secure.  One more method “buy now pay later” is gaining momentum as a popular ecommerce payment method in Spain.  BIZUM is a local payment method used by locals. Checks and invoices are also some of online methods used to transfer money. 

List of online payment methods in Spain:

• Cash
• Visa Cards
• Master Cards
• Bank Transfer
• PayPal
• American Express (AMEX)
• Klarna (Buy now pay later)
• Maestro Cards
• UnionPay

For more information on payment methods in Spain, visit:

Cost of living in spain

According to a survey Spain is the third cheapest country in the Western Europe and cost of living here is more expensive than fifty six percent of countries in the world. Major cities like Madrid, Barcelona, San Sebastian are expensive than rural areas. Average living cost in Spain also depends upon your lifestyle or your current situation, like whether you are working or a student. Cost of living varies from city to city and also if you are staying alone or with your family.

The average monthly expense for a single person is around €1,501. And the approximately monthly expense will rise if you want to move along with your family of four people will be €3,056. Food is cheap compared to housing or dining. If you are staying in a city where you can go by bicycle or by walking to your university or work place or live in a city with a good public transport system, then your cost of living will be much lower.  Monthly rent will cost more in the main city than the rent in rural areas. Expense will also be low if you need smaller accommodation, than the bigger one. Here are some products mentioned below, so that you will get a clear idea of the cost of living:




Whole Fat Milk

1 litre



12 ( a dozen)



1 kg ( 2 lb)



500 grams ( 1 lb)


Dinning (lunch)

Full Meal


Fast Food Meal




2 loaf



8 mbps


Cleaning Help



Public Transport Ticket




Short Visit 


Movie Tickets

for 2 


Utilities (heating, Gas, Electricity)

1 month – for 2 persons in 900 sq.ft. flat 


Utilities (heating, Gas, Electricity)

1 month – for 1 person in 450  sq.ft. flat 


For more information on the cost of living in Spain, please visit:

Apartment Rent

In many Spain cities renting a one-bedroom apartment, in the city centre will cost around as much as a two bedroom apartment outside the city center. Finding accommodation can be easy if you ask your colleagues, friends, shopkeepers or waiters in the nearby café or restaurants will be helpful. As you wander on the streets and see some sign boards of ‘To let’ will also be useful. In Spain lease is given for minimum one year, further both the landlord and tenant can mutually decide the length of the notice period. The minimum notice period is for one month.

The city of Barcelona has the expensive apartments followed by San Sebastian and Madrid in Spain. One bedroom apartment in the city centre will cost you approx €734 and same apartment, outside city will cost approx €540. A furnished studio apartment of 2 to 3 bedrooms in the city centre will cost you approx €1,184 and outside the city it will cost you approx €766. Property showing websites also mentions prices below so that you can choose according to your need and comfort. If your stay is for short term then there are many sites on the internet to help you get your accommodation. While talking to the landlord or to the real estate agent, take along your Spanish and English speaking friend with you so that the conversation will be clear and easy as not many Spaniards are fluent in foreign languages.


Taxes in Spain are levied on different sources by the National or Central, Regional and Local Government. The main taxes levied on different things are income tax, social security tax, Value Added Tax (VAT) and corporate tax. Some other taxes are property transfer Tax, Real Estate Property Tax, Road Tax. The tax year in Spain follows the calendar year which begins on the New Year’s Day of the given calendar system and ends on the day before the following New Year’s Day. Personal Income Tax in Spain is known as IRPF. Taxes have an important part in any countries economy. Expats also need to pay the taxes as well as the local people in this country. The most basic tax levied on expats in Spain is Personal Income Tax which is calculated upon the worldwide income of the expat. For the Spanish non-resident, the income tax is calculated only on their income generated in Spain. Taxable income band (€) from is on 0 to 12,450 is 19 percent, 12,451 to 20,000 is 24 percent, 20,201 to 35,200 is 30 percent and the rate increases as the income increases.

For more information please visit:

Health Insurance  

In Spain all the citizen come under the free public Spanish health care system; however they may need private insurance in some situations. Healthcare system of this nation comes among one of the best healthcare system which saves waiting time and make the process easier to see an English speaking doctor. Income tax paid by you is used in the healthcare services provided by the Spanish Government. If you are not eligible for the health insurance then you can pay for your treatment or take out the private health insurance plan. In some areas you can register for a government operated scheme called ‘Conveino Especial’ which provide the cover on a monthly basic plan. Spanish health insurance provides you the TSI health card which covers to see a doctor and care from doctors and hospitals. Also covers treatment at home, useful for the disabled and elderly people. The TSI card means you do not have to pay the fees for receiving treatment. You only have to pay for the medicine prescribed by the doctor while purchasing.

For more information visit :

Important addresses

Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas International Airport
Av de la Hispanidad, s/n, 28042
Madrid, Spain,
Ph: +34 913 21 10 00

Josep Tarradellas Barcelona-El Prat International Airport:
08820 El Prat de Llobregat
Ph: +34 913 21 10 00

Málaga-Costa del Sol Airport:
Av. Del Comandante Garcia Morato,
s/n, 29004, Málaga,
Ph: +34 913 21 10 00

Madrid-South Bus Station:
C. de Méndez Álvaro,
83, 28045
Madrid, Spain

Pl Espanya – Fira Barcelona Bus Station:
Av. Del Paral·lel,
206, 08004,

Barcelona-Sants Train Station:
Plaça dels Països Catalans,
1, 7, 08014, Barcelona

Embassy of India:
Av. De Pio XII,
30, 28016 Madrid,
Ph: +34 913 09 88 82

Embassy of the United States of America:
C. de Serrano,
75, 28006 Madrid,
Ph: +34 915 87 22 00

Embassy of Qatar:
P.º de la Castellana,
28046 Madrid,
Ph: +34 913 10 69 26

Embassy of Sweden:
C. de Caracas,
25, 28010 Madrid,
Ph: +34 917 02 20 00


Spain,  an European country with seventeen autonomous regions in the Atlantic Ocean and across the Mediterranean Sea with beautiful, modern and ancient architecture, diverse geography and different cultures. This nation is famous for its colorful markets, history beautiful houses and monuments and food. This place is on many of people’s bucket list to take a trip here. Spain is one of the famous places where people come for job and tour, so this is a good place to get work as long as you have strong international professional connections. People are friendly and are respectful. Nightlife here is vibrant with lit streets, music, pubs and discos. The city, like Barcelona and Madrid has plenty of lounge bars. Many places are safe and fun to visit, if you have a local friend or you know where they are and what areas to ignore. Spain is a good choice for immigration as its a unique country. Its  safe also as crime rate is relatively low but it is suggested to stay alert all the time and safeguard your valuable things.

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