Immigration to Australia

Living and Working in Australia

Sydney Opera House, Australia

Australia is an isolated, arid and the smallest continent, located between the pacific and Indian oceans in the southern hemisphere. It is one of the largest countries on the Earth. It is a land of vast plains. More than one-third of Australia is desert.  Canberra, is Australia’s capital city.  Australia is known as the “The Last of Lands’ as it was the last continent, apart from Antarctica, to be explored by Europeans. Many people choose Australia as their homes because of its beautiful natural landscapes and sceneries. Living and Working in Australia with its less population and less pollution, you are sure to enjoy fresh air and healthy environment.

Australia has the world’s best education system for higher studies and has bagged 8th position in the worldwide rankings. The primary and secondary school education is compulsory and free. It also offers great employment opportunities to eligible skilled expats who move to Australia. One source says there are more than 600 occupations in demand here with new industries and business are blooming. The cities with more job opportunities are Sydney, Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane & Gold Coast Adelaide. Immigrants have increased the population of Australia by more than a third this century, to over 26.6 million as of April1, 2024. If you are a beach lover, Australia is the Best Choice! Its coastline covers almost 50,000 km and is linked by over 10,000 beaches, the highest in the world.

The Following Factors Speak For An Immigration To Australia

  • Good Entrepreneurship
  • Good for Adventure
  • Good Cultural Influence
  • Open for Business
  • Good Economic Strength
  • Very good Quality of Life
  • Very good for Education
  • Good Green Living
  • Good for Raising Kids
  • Good for Women
  • Fast Feeling at Home

Traveling information

The Australian Government currently does not have restrictions for visitors entering into Australia. Visa is required to enter Australia except Australian Passport holders, who do not need visa to enter Australia. Those who hold New Zealand passport can travel to Australia without visa, however they need to get visa on arrival at the airport. For travelers who are in transit through Australia also require visa. Entry to Australia will be denied if you have a criminal record with any country and also if there is a re-entry ban.

The visitors and travellers from the US, Canada, Hong Kong, Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea and Japan can get online ETA (Electronic Travel Authority) on, which will cost approximately US$18.50 (20AUD). Check for eligibility and terms of the visa from the above mentioned website.

By Flights: 

Australia has nearly 13 international airports in Australia. The 5 biggest & busiest in terms of passenger movements are Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane and Adelaide. In all Australia has over 600 airports including international, domestic, military, private etc. Qantas is the flag carrier of Australia and the largest airline in Australia by fleet size. Qantas is nicknamed as the “The Flying Kangaroo” and is in operation since 1920. Qantas flies to & fro to almost every popular destination in the world. The cheapest destination to fly to Australia is from New Zealand and it takes approximately 6 hours. Book safe and reliable flights from your destination to Australia on

By Sea: There are cruises from New Zealand and Pacific Islands to Melbourne and Sydney in Australia. 

By Train: The TransAlpine train services from Australia to New Zealand, which is one of the most iconic train journeys where travellers will enjoy incredible sights of white sand beaches, winding fjords, rainforest, river valleys and beautiful landscapes.

How to immigrate  to Australia

Flag of Australia -Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
Flag of Australia

Australia has a non-discriminatory immigration policy and in the past 2 decades between 76,000 to 120,000 immigrants arrived each year in Australia in mainly four categories:  Skilled migrants, Family reunion, Humanitarian migration and Special migration.  Since 1920s Australia is accommodating migrants from all over the world especially couples. The migration agents actively assist people who would like to travel here no matter from which country they are.

Australian offers Partner Visa for partners married to permanent/citizens of Australia. Visa can be procured for people who are in living relationships (de-facto relationship). A person can also get visa if he/she wants to visit Australia to get married to an Australian.

You can choose from the following different types of  Australian visas depends upon your use. Click on the link to get more detailed information on the particular visas that you need:

  • Visitor Visa – There are 6 categories in the Visitor Visa.
  • Studying and Training Visa – There are 3 categories in this
  • Family and Partner Visa – There are 23 categories in this
  • Working and Skilled Visas- There are 24 categories in this
  • Refugee and Humanitarian Visa – There are 5 categories in this
  • Other Visas- There are 13 categories in this
  • Repealed Visa- There are 46 categories in this 

There has been some changes in the current Visas policies for  the year 2023-2024.  For detailed information, please visit


picture source :
People of Australia

Australia is one of the world’s most ethnically diverse nations. It has a population of over 26 million people owing to the large number of immigrants moving to Australia every year. Local Residents are very friendly and welcoming. People here enjoy a balanced lifestyle. Family and party times plays an important part of Australians. Christianity is the main religion practiced in Australia with more than 43.9% Christians of various denominations. Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Sikhism and Islam is practised by 3.2% of the total population. As per 2021 census, almost 38.9% of the Australian-born population claims no religion.

Australians are passionate about sports. The Australian rules football or Aussie rules is a game invented by the Australians. They also enjoy swimming, surfing, sailing, soccer, cricket, tennis, bowling green & rugby.  Australians love Coffee and you will find coffee shops everywhere. This is the best destination for you if you are also a Coffee Lover.

Job offers in Australia

Australia offers lots of jobs opportunities to skilled immigrants. Qualified foreign workers are needed in many sectors, hence the Australian government has announced the 2022-23 migration program. Under this plan Australia plans to increase its immigration allocation with 195,000 places by increasing the number of visa places under “Visa Categories”. It has been observed that Australia has chronic shortages in some occupations and the government is aware that they need skilled workers for those occupations and therefore they will grant specific visas within a few days. The high-priority jobs include Medical technicians, Scientists & Nurses, School Teachers, Social Workers, Caregivers for aged and disabled, Counsellors and Psychologists, Child care workers. IT remains in-demand and requires skilled workers and is also the higest-paid industry in Australia.

The other industries that are in-demand for skilled workers are Sales & Marketing, Finance & Accounting, Healthcare, HR, Engineering and Hospitality. There are certain eligibility criteria to qualify for an Austrlian work visa.

The main requirements are as below:

  • Must be below 45 years of age
  • Must meet the minimum point requirement of 65
  • Must clear and gain the minimum required points in a language proficiency test
  • The occupation that you apply for must be listed in the nominated skilled occupation list (SOL)
  • Your work experience certificates and educational documents must be evaluated and you will have to undergo a skill assessment based on your certificates
  • You will have to clear the Medical check-up 

For the most in demand jobs in Australia, visit


The Australian education system is a lively and expanding service sector, known for its unique blend of public and private schooling. It’s overseen by three main regulatory bodies: TEQSA, ASQA, and ACECQA. 

Here’s a breakdown of the education structure in Australia:

  1. Primary school typically spans seven or eight years, starting from Foundation to Year 6 or 7.
  2. Secondary school covers four years from Years 7 or 8 to 10.
  3. Senior secondary school lasts two years from Years 11 to 12.
  4. Tertiary education includes both higher education and vocational training.

Students have flexible study options as they advance through the system. English is the primary language of instruction, though some schools offer bilingual or other language programs. The academic year runs from late January or early February to mid-December, usually divided into three or four terms. However, in certain regions like northern Australia, the school year may start in January, with breaks structured around the local climate.  As of 2023, Australia had 9,629 schools and 42 universities, with about a quarter of university students coming from overseas. You can find a list of these universities on the TEQSA website, i.e.

Homeschooling is legal in Australia, but parents must register with their state’s or territory’s education department. Each region has its own guidelines and requirements for homeschooling, ensuring that the education provided meets the national curriculum standards. Parents are responsible for planning and delivering lessons and regular reviews may be conducted to ensure educational progress.

Unemployment Rate

The umemployment rate in February 2023 was 3.5% which dropped from January’s 8-month high of 3.7%. This was below the market rate which was estimated to be 3.6% as the number of unemployed decreased by 16,500 to 507,500. The employment rate had dropped to 3.4% in November 2022. The results is due to more and more people looking for part-time jobs rather than full-time jobs. Australia had an average rate of 6.68% since 1978. however it had reached a record-breaking hike of 11.20% in Dec’1992 and a record-breaking low of 3.40% in Oct’2022.

For more information on unemployment rate in Australia, visit

Economy of Australia

Australia has a resilient economy and stands on the 13th position on list of Top 25 richest countries in the world in terms of GDP. However, it is all set to become the world’s 12th largest economy in 2023 according to IMF (International Monetary Fund). According to IMF Australia’s growth rate remained strong in 2022 at 4.2%. It is projected that the nominal GDP will be around US$1.8 trillion (A$2.5 trillion) in 2023 says a benchmark report in The main two factors that foster Australian resilience is the Location and diversity. Australian trade is all focused towards Asian countries who will contribute a major to the global GDP in the coming years.

As of now the situation is stable and the economy is moderating but, if the GDP is on the rise as expected and unemployment low than the economic future for Australia is good or less 2023 may be the year of recession for Australia. A Financial Planner in Australia said, “There are all the indicators of a recession”. However, Australian government is focused on broader issues to avoid pushing Australia’s into a recession. Hope for the best.

For more information on Australia’s economy, please read

Renting and buying of real estate’s for foreigner

As an expat you can buy a property in Australia. The FHOG (first Home Owner Grant) offered by the Australian Government provides residence to anyone above the age of 18 who holds a permanent residence Visa. The property can be of any type but must not be occupied or sold and is qualified by the FHOG. A grant of $10,000 AD ($7738 USD approx.) is granted by the government to the eligible applicant.

If you are on temporary Visa and is a non-resident, you can buy non-residential property after getting permission from the FIRB (Foreign Investment Review Board). Citizens of New Zealand does not need FIRB’s approval. Applications for housing property to be submitted to ATO (Australian Taxation Office) for approval.

For guide to buying property in Australia visit

The property is higher in cities and much cheaper in the suburbs. A best way to start looking for a suitable place is browsing all the real estate portals.  The most well-known property websites are:

Currency and payment transaction

Australian Dollar (AUD) is the national currency of Australia.

The Currency is available in notes in the following denominations  $5, $10, $20 & $100 and coins are available in $1, 2$  and 5,10,20, 50 cents. Currency can be exchanged in International Airports, Hotels, Banks.

Payments can be made by DD/CC in shops, hotels and restaurants can be made by EFTPOS (Electronic payment system), however fees may be charged on withdrawal from international accounts, so kindly check with your Bank before travelling.

All kinds of cards are accepted in Australia with surcharges in some merchandise; however the Travellers Cheques are not widely accepted.  It is advisable to buy travelers cheques in AUD.


The official language of Australia is English. Australians have a unique accent, but they can be understood and communicating with them is quite easy. Australia is home to mixed culture who speak some 226 languages after English. There are many indigenous languages spoken by 12% of the total population of Australian. 

An estimated 300+ languages are spoken in Australia. The most spoken languages apart from English according to the 2016 census are:

For more details on the languages spoken in Australia, please visit:


Australia еxpеriеncеs a divеrsе climatе with a notablе fеaturе bеing thе rеvеrsal of sеasons comparеd to thе Northеrn Hеmisphеrе. Australia gеnеrally has four sеasons: summеr, autumn, wintеr, and spring. In thе southеrn rеgions, wintеr falls bеtwееn Junе and August, with occasional snowfall occurring in thе mountainous arеas such as thе Australian Alps in Victoria and Nеw South Walеs. Thе northеrn parts, including Quееnsland and thе Northеrn Tеrritory, havе a tropical climatе charactеrizеd by a wеt and dry sеason rathеr than distinct four sеasons. Maximum tеmpеraturеs can soar in thе arid intеrior, rеaching wеll abovе 40 dеgrееs Cеlsius (104 dеgrееs Fahrеnhеit), whilе coastal arеas еnjoy morе modеratе tеmpеraturеs. Thе climatе is significantly influenced by factors likе thе Southеrn Ocеan currеnts, thе Indian Ocеan Dipolе, and thе El Niño-Southеrn Oscillation. Thе еnticing warm wеathеr, particularly during thе Australian summеr (Dеcеmbеr to Fеbruary), attracts tourists and еxpatriatеs, with popular dеstinations bеing thе coastal arеas likе Sydnеy and thе Grеat Barriеr Rееf. Australians arе avid sports еnthusiasts, and outdoor activities likе crickеt and Australian Rulеs Football dominatе during thе warmеr months, whilе wintеr sееs thе focus shift to sports such as rugby and soccеr. Gеnеrally, thе bеst timе to visit Australia wеathеr-wisе is during its spring (Sеptеmbеr to Novеmbеr) or autumn (March to May), offеring plеasant tеmpеraturеs and avoiding thе еxtrеmеs of summеr or wintеr.

Cost of Living in Australia

Cost of living is high in Australia, especially if you are migrating to study. It depends on your level of education and your education provider. It largely depends on the location as well. Currently Australia stands 16th highest cost of living in the world, much higher than USA and UK.

Most of the expats choose Sydney and Melbourne to settle. Sydney ranks third in a list of the world’s most livable cities, with its beautiful beaches, excellent weather and outdoor lifestyle.  On the other hand Melbourne is a cosmopolitan city with thriving restaurants and arts scene. Australia’s public transport rail, bus and ferries are reasonably priced, which are covered by swipe-on-swipe-off opal card that can be topped up.

For an approximate guide to your budget planning if you are planning to study in Australia visit :

Important numbers and addresses 

Triple Zero (000) is Australia’s main emergency number. You can call 000 in case of help from Police, Fire and Ambulance. This number can be called in case you are involved in an accident, seriously ill or even if your life and property is threatened.   You can also download the Emergency app for free on the smartphone, which tracks the exact location in case of emergency situation. It can be downloaded from Google Play or Apple App. For a detailed guidelines on Australia’s emergency number visit:

List of all Foreign embassies and consulates in Australia are listed in, please find the detailed information of your country’s consulate office in Australia. Addresses of some consulates are listed below. 

Consulate General of India
Level 1, 265 Castlereagh Street,
Sydney, NSW 2000,
Phone : 61-2-9223-2702
Fax : +61-2-9231-2299 ; +61-2-9223-3358 (Consular Services)
E-mail :
Website :

U.S. Consulate General
4th Floor,
16 St. George’s Terrace
Perth, WA 6000
Phone: 1300 139 399
E-Mail :

Consulate-General of the People’s Republic of China
39 Dunblane Street ,
Camperdown, NSW 2050
Phone: +61 02 8595 8012
E-Mail :

Consulate-General of the Philippines
Level 1, Philippine Center 27-33 Wentworth Avenue,
Sydney, NSW 2000
Phone: +61 02 9262 7377
Email :
Website :


Australia, thе sixth-largеst country globally and thе smallеst continеnt is an еxcеptional land surroundеd by watеr. Boasting a population of around 26 million, Australia not only fеaturеs brеathtaking landscapеs but also housеs an unparallеlеd variеty of wildlifе, including uniquе bird spеciеs and a divеrsе array of rеptilеs likе snakеs, lizards, turtlеs, and crocodilеs, totaling 869 spеciеs. Naturе еnthusiasts find solacе in this continеnt with 10,685 bеachеs, somе intеrnationally acclaimеd as thе most bеautiful globally. Australia’s magnеtic pull еxtеnds bеyond its natural wondеrs; it sеrvеs as a havеn for immigrants sееking a stablе and wеlcoming еnvironmеnt. Thе country’s political stability, combinеd with a commitmеnt to divеrsity, positions it as an idеal dеstination for thosе еagеr to livе and work abroad. Australia’s allurе is furthеr hеightеnеd by its high quality of lifе, supportеd by a robust hеalthcarе systеm and еxcеllеnt еducational opportunitiеs. As a nation activеly inviting immigrants worldwidе, Australia distinguishеs itsеlf as an inclusivе and multicultural sociеty. Thе rеlativеly highеr cost of living is balancеd by amplе еmploymеnt opportunities and a strong еconomy, making it an appеaling prospеct for both tourists and individuals considеring long-tеrm rеsidеncе. Whеthеr captivatеd by thе iconic Sydnеy Opеra Housе, еxploring thе еxpansivе Outback, or еmbracing thе laid-back bеach lifеstylе, living and working in Australia providе a uniquе blеnd of natural bеauty, cultural richnеss, and opportunitiеs for a rеwarding lifе. Australia stands out as an inclusivе and multicultural sociеty, making it an idеal dеstination for thosе sееking both a stablе work еnvironmеnt and a vibrant living еxpеriеncе.

Moving to Australia

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Translation Of The Documents

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