The World’s third largest continent, North America is located in the earth’s northern hemisheres and within the western hemispheres. Most of its part is located between the Arctic Circle and the Tropic of Cancer. Its covers about 9,540,000 square miles which is about 16.5% of the Earth’s land area. It is said that there are 23 countries in North America. “North Amеrica” can somеtimеs bе rеfеrеd to Canada, thе Unitеd Statеs, and Mеxico. Thеsе thrее countriеs makе up thе northеrn part of thе continеnt. It can also includе Cеntral Amеrica, which has countriеs likе Guatеmala, Bеlizе, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Cеntral Amеrica acts as a land bridgе connеcting North and South Amеrica.
Below you will find brief information about those countries in North America that are suitable for immigration. From this brief information you will then get to the detailed emigration information, travel information, economy, education, contacts etc., to everything you need to know for immigration. Click on the country name to get detailed information.
In this Caribbean tropical paradise, pensioners with a regular source of income are particularly welcome. Tourist attraction and generates plenty of job vacancies in the hotel and tourism industry.
Endless highways run through the country and give the visitor a feeling of grandiose vastness. Dropouts fall into dreams as soon as they hear the name of the country. Everything about the country with the 2 million lakes and gigantic forests can be found here.
Costa Rica is pure nature: fantastic coastal regions with beautiful beaches or hidden bays, mountain ranges, tropical forests, rural tranquility and vibrant city life. Best for the wealthy and retirees, but difficult for working immigrants.
Mexico has the largest capital in the world, cultural and historical relics from the Mayan and Aztec eras and beautiful beaches. It is not easy to gain a foothold here as an immigrant, as wages are low and professional opportunities are limited. A country for the financially independent.
Nicaragua is the largest country in the Central America with beautiful scenic places, tropical food and wild life, which makes this country one of the favorite destinations of tourists from all over the world. Safe to live with Low cost of living and many job opportunities
Panama is particularly suitable for retirees and employees of Panamanian companies. Panama seeks and courts investors. This applies above all to tourism, agriculture and investments in the second largest free trade zone, the city of Colon. But real estate purchases or other investments also make permanent residence possible.
The USA as an immigration country is particularly interesting for highly qualified employees or the self-employed with a good knowledge of English as well as for pensioners with assets. The world of work here is very performance- and success-oriented. However, everyone should have a financial cushion that they can fall back on in the beginning, in emergency situations or in the event of setbacks.
Puerto Rico, a tropical Caribbean Island with stunning beaches, glorious weather. US citizens do not need a Visa, Low cost of living, good for Retirees, Affordable Education, Save on Taxes, Friendly people. Homeschooling allowed in Puerto Rico.