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Toggle7. Job search
If you did not already need the (new) job for the visa application, now that the application has been submitted is the right time for it: Take care of employment and earnings after emigration.
Here, too, you have the choice:
- Get in touch with companies in the target country yourself.
- Or, get someone to do the majority of the job hunt for you.
It is possible that qualifications from your country will not be recognized in the other countries. Or you have to take an exam in order to be admitted to work in your new home country. Find out and take the necessary steps.
In any case, you should master the language of your new home as well as possible. If it is a foreign language for you , you should start learning it as early as possible. You can find a suitable language course here .
Emigrating means that you will use up your wealth. Hopefully only to a certain extent – but it will not work without a handle in the savings stocking. So keep the transition period until your next earnings as short as possible.
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